I'm always writing. Check back here for news and updates on work in progress. Alternatively feel free to hit me up through my contact form and I will add you to my email list for future updates and occasionally offers.
Signed Paperbacks Now Available
🎃Choose from 7 books for your Halloween treat,
all signed by the author, how can that be beat?
By adding a free gift to each one sold.
Grab them now before it gets too cold.
🎃All are available, signed by me.
Purchase now and get something for free.
Buy any of my books, from one to seven.
I will post them Worldwide USA to Devon.
🎃With your order there will be a note,
for your gift which helps me promote.
A free audio book for your delight,
for any of my books. Please don't have a sleepless night!
🎃Five pounds sterling per book, all plus postage of course.
Sent directly from Essex and the original source.
Email list
I am currently compiling an email list to keep my friends and fans informed of any exciting news, if you would like to be added please send me a message through my contact page.
Time for a change
Every so often its always good to have a change. So here is mine. The website has had a nice modern upgrade, something with some more impact and straightforward. As a writer I am changing too, my stories are less the gore and more the tale.
Please enjoy this new place and feel free to contact me if you so wish.
Happy Reading...